Portfolio Date : 18-11-2016
Portfolio Category : Recruiting Manpower Company
Portfolio URL : http://tendulimanpower.com.np/
Something About The Client
Why Nepal? Economic constraints and limited opportunity for growth has created a unique, but viable situation – exodus of the working class. Historically, Nepalese manpower has always been outsourced owing to the drafting of the Gurkhas in the British and Indian Army. Upon retirement, these ex-servicemen sought opportunities abroad with their level of skills acquired and a remuneration package that could only be compensated by foreign employment.
Over the years and generations, the same principle has persisted for all ex-army men and for those not in the army, it has translated into similar aspirations. This has created a talent pool with prior foreign employment and global cultural experience and aspiring youth ready to make their mark.
Tenduli International, realizing global workforce demand, is intent on aligning the perspectives of both our clients and recruits and making it the ideal situation for growth and success.
Right personnel for the right situation.
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