Portfolio Date : 2014
Portfolio Category : Non Government Organization
Portfolio URL : http://msed.com.np
Something About The Client
Multi Skill & Environment Development Pvt. Ltd. is a CTEVT affiliated company located at Gaindakot-2, Kalika Marga, Nawalparasi established in 2069 B.S. at company registrar office and Inland Revenue Department with the vision of Self reliable youth society through skill development to employment and the objective to improve the livelihood condition of unemployed youths by providing short-term technical skill training and by promoting/supporting to sales the products produced by graduates.
MSED is conducts various marked based vocational and technical short term skill training programme (Fee-based and Non-fee based) in different region of Nawalparasi district and is intending to expand its coverage area beyond the district soon. Well equipped training hall with adequate tools & material and qualified & energetic instructor, excellent result in past NSTB skill test, maximum job placement of graduates has proven that we are capable enough to deliver quality training in various occupation and sector with regular follow up. We conduct various businesses motivational and career counseling training to boost the willingness of being self dependant entrepreneur to youth job seekers.
Recently, the company is working as a partner of EF/HELVETAS NEPAL in association with Local government institutions, small cottage industries, chamber of commerce Nawalparasi, Employment promotion board etc.
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